ITC First - The Awarding Organisation that Cares

Access to Qualifications - Reasonable Adjustments & Special Considerations

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Access to Qualifications

ITC First is committed to providing equal opportunity, freedom from discrimination and access to fair assessment.  ITC recognise that individual learners may have different requirements and the information on this page provides a guide as to what ITC and it's Centres can do to support learners to achieve.  There are two ways in which access to fair assessment can be maintained Reasonable adjustments Special considerations.  

Reasonable Adjustments

What is a Reasonable Adjustment?

Reasonable adjustment is an amendment/change to the assessment process to give individuals equality of opportunity to show that they can reach the standard.  Reasonable adjustments are not concessions to make assessment easier, nor give advantage to learners.

It is a requirement that any reasonable adjustment arrangement will be valid (fit for purpose) and reliable (allow different assessors to make similar judgements), designed to reflect the candidates’ competence to meet the assessment outcomes of the qualification and for the employment for which the qualification is designed.

ITC First ensures that the reasonable adjustment does not give the candidate an unfair advantage.

How does a learner qualify for a Reasonable Adjustment? 

Learners may qualify for a reasonable adjustment for a number of reasons including;

a)    Temporary or permanent illness or injury 

b)    Temporary or permanent disability

c)    Sensory impairment

d)    Reading and/or writing difficulties

e)    English as a second language

f)     Recent bereavement

g)    Other extenuating circumstances

This list is not exhaustive.  If you would like clarification on whether you qualify for a reasonable adjustment, contact your training provider in the first instance.  

Evidence of learner indisposition may be required, e.g. doctors note or confirmation from parent or carer.

How does a learner request a Reasonable Adjustment?

The learner will normally raise any individual needs with their Training Provider prior to starting their qualification. At this stage the Training Provider may ask for further details and will complete an Access to Training and Assessment Form (C4).  The form will then be submitted to ITC First at least 5 days prior to the course start date. ITC First will then review the request and provide advice to the training provider and/or approve the adjustment to be made.

Access to Training and Assessment Form - Download 

Appeals against decisions may be raised.  Please see ITC Appeals Policy for details

What Kind of adjustments can be made?

A variety of adjustments can be made, depending on the individual requirements of the learner.  Common adjustments applied include:

a)    Scribe for candidate with writing difficulty

b)    Assessor reading an exam question for a learner with difficulty with reading

c)    Deferred assessment time to allow from recovery from a temporary impairment

d)    Physical changes to assessment environment provided there is no unfair advantage

This is not an exhaustive list, rather an indicator of what is possible.  Each application is judged on a case-by-case basis.

Special Considerations

What is a Special Consideration?

Learners may qualify for a special consideration for a number of reasons including;

a)    Recovering from surgery

b)    Muscle, joint or lower back pain

c)    Digestive system upsets

d)    Migraine

e)    Occasional seizure 

f)     Diabetic episode

g)    Faint

This list is not exhaustive.  Evidence of learner indisposition is not normally required for special considerations.

How does a learner request a Special Consideration?

Learners will typically initiate a special consideration by making their Assessor aware of their consideration at the start or during the course.  The Assessor will make a judgment and apply the consideration quickly.  The Assessor may choose to refer to ITC First if the issue is complex or outside the scope of their experience.  ITC will then provide guidance and assistance to the Assessor in the application of a special consideration.

The Assessor will note all learner requests for special considerations on a Special Considerations Form (C7) OR on an End of Course Details form for the course.

Special Considerations Form - Download

Appeals against decisions may be raised.  Please see ITC Appeals Policy for details 

What kind of adjustments can be made for a Special Consideration?

A variety of adjustments can be made, depending on the individual requirements of the learner.  Common adjustments applied include:

a)    Scribe for temporary writing difficulty

b)    Deferred assessment time to allow from recovery from temporary impairment

c)    Extended assessment time due to sudden nature of the occurrence

d)    Change in method of assessment to take account of special consideration

e)    Physical changes to assessment environment provided there is no unfair advantage

This is not an exhaustive list, rather an indicator of what is possible

Learners requiring further advice or guidance are advised to contact their Training Provider in the first instance.  However ITC staff will advise and assist any learners that contact ITC directly.

Related ITC Policies and Documents

FAQP FAAOF Joint Statement on accepted reasonable adjustments for first aid assessments

ITC Customer Service Statement

Data Protection Policy

ITC First Privacy Statement

Appeals Policy

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