The ITC Team

Mark Moore
Current role? Director/Chief Executive Officer/Chief Verifier
How long have you worked for ITC? Since 2013.
What’s your favourite part of the job? Talking to Centre staff and helping people to become successful at what they do.
Who or what inspires you? There’s no one person or thing that inspires me, but people that go out, make a difference and have strong values/ethics inspire me.
Any Hobbies? I love being outdoors, hillwalking, camping, etc. Brew my own beer. Gaming, mostly racing games. Music is a passion of mine and is the rich tapestry which connects all of the special moments in life.

Simon Graham
Current role? EQA/ ITC Trainer
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? since 1995 'ish.
What’s your favourite part of the job? Travelling and supporting Centres and their staff. Having a friendly professional blether. Helping with solutions.
Who or what inspires you? Lots of things including wildlife, young people, ‘clever' people, modest / humble people, wisdom, acts of kindness.
Any Hobbies? Sailing (and all the bits to do with being able to do that), diving, riding motorbikes, cooking, socialising/blethering. Fixing things - there seems to be more as I get older!

Jane Varey
Current role? Compliance and Quality Manager
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? Since 2019.
What’s your favourite part of the job? Making everything up-to-date and compliant, in the same format and organised! Also I get to interact with so many different people from ITC, Centres and other organisations.
Who or what inspires you? I was always inspired by Nelson Mandela's decency after how he was treated in prison. My children inspire me for the future.
Any Hobbies? Swimming and martial arts.

Chris Leleux
Current role? First Aid Qualification Manager
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? Nearly 15 years.
What's your favourite part of the job? Being part of a team working together to maintain standards and make a difference in the first aid training sector.
Who or what inspires you? Simon Graham.
Any Hobbies? Being outdoors whether it's in my own garden, the Yorkshire Dales or up bigger mountains. Long standing (and long suffering) supporter of Northampton Town.

Fergus Lynch
Current role? Qualification Manager
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? Recently started, however been involved with ITC as a Trainer then a Centre for a long time, since 2006.
Who or what inspires you? People who help others to live a more fulfilling life, through any medium they choose.
Any Hobbies? All the paddle sports, started boating when I was 8 and still going, love the sport and all that it entails (travel, friendships, good times, laughter, scary moments, out in nature).

Julie Myers
Current role? Quality Assurance & Finance Manager
How long have you worked for ITC? Since July 2014.
What’s your favourite part of the job? Being part of the ITC team/family and helping to continue the close bond we have with our existing Centres and establishing relationships with potential/new Centres.
Who or what inspires you? My children (and growing number of grandchildren) inspire me with their energy and enthusiasm for life. They keep me young (if not shattered).
Any Hobbies? I am a bit of a fitness freak and exercise whenever I can. I love to go for walks, swim and go to the gym. My escape is curling up with a good book. Visiting National Trust sites with my husband and the grandchildren, family get togethers/outings and working on our allotment are my main weekend activities.

Charlotte Bratt
Current role? Business and Digital Marketing Media Administrator
How long have you worked for or been involved with ITC? Since 2016.
What’s your favourite part of the job? Supporting Centres and helping them along the way, whether it's admin support or new Centres. I find it satisfying seeing people be successful.
Who or what inspires you? No one person. People who never give up and continue going no matter what they've gone through inspire me as it reminds myself that no matter how hard times get there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
Any Hobbies? I like to socialise with my friends and family and I have started to really enjoy going for long walks. I also like to travel to new and exciting places in the UK and abroad.

Andrea Kay
Current role? Part Time Admin Assistant
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? Since 2021.
What’s your favourite part of the job? The friendly, family ethos within the workplace is my favourite part. I am also enjoying learning more about how the business works and how we support and interact with our Centres.
Who or what inspires you? People who strive and work for the greater good, rather than the individual. Aneurin Bevan and Emmeline Pankhurst spring to mind.
Any Hobbies? In my spare time I enjoy reading, especially Crime novels. I also enjoy walking in the local area and spending time with my family.

Devin Myers
Current role? Part Time Finance/Office Administrator.
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? I've worked for ITC since 2021.
What’s your favourite part of the job? The people I work with and the variety of work - there's always something more to learn.
Who or what inspires you? People who see the positive side of things and people who are kind and help others.
Any Hobbies? In any spare time I have, my hobbies are reading, home renovations/DIY and spending time with my children, family and friends.

Kate Hookham
Current role? EQA
How long have you work for or been involved with ITC? Worked for about 1 year and with them around 8 years.
Who or what inspires you? David Attenborough, a child who works hard at what they are doing, anyone who fights for conservation and animal welfare.
Any Hobbies? Scuba diving, photography, rock climbing, bushcraft (busman’s holiday one), cooking.

Maxine Lock
Current role? External quality assurance
How long have you worked for or been involved with ITC? Just over 7 years, first as a Centre then also as an EQA.
What’s your favourite part of the job? Getting to visit ITC Centres all over the country, supporting the development of others and also learning from others – some Centres are just amazing in what they offer. I love meeting all the other Centre managers and trainers.
Who or what inspires you? I am inspired by other people who have a positive outlook on life and who are achievers.
Any Hobbies? I have many hobbies mostly associated with outdoor activities – I run ultra marathons of 50 -100 miles, I walk and have intentions to complete as many long distance trails as I can, both in the UK and abroad, I mountain bike and have plans to complete some trail routes and I also love to go out and wild camp. I also knit, especially socks in jazzy colours.